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What is Church?

 Hello! How are you?


This week(April22nd ~28th) in the Jewish calendar, it is Passover, which represents the cross of Christ.

By the way, we Watchmen recently appeared on YouTube for the first time. This is Kentaro's program from RAC Network (Rethinking Authentic Christianity).

Continuing to warn the church [RAC News] Watchman Japan Ministry Chie Kumagai and Minako Watanabe


The topic that came up in our conversation with Kentaro this time was "church refugees." They are a Christian who is in trouble because they don't have their own church. For example,,, there is no church nearby that suits me. Unable to attend church due to illness, disability, or work. I want to leave because the church has turned into a cult. Isn't an online church or a home church without a pastor officially a church? ,,,, etc. Due to various circumstances and thoughts, they have become ``church refugees.''

So this time I would like you to think about what the Bible says about ``what is the church?'' I'm sure you have many different ideas, but our answer is simple.

The church is a spiritual family connection. It is an exchange between two or more Christians.


Where two or three gather together in my name (Jesus), there I am among them. Matthew 18:19-20

I believe that both existing churches and new types of churches have different strengths. What's good about traditional churches, what's good about online churches, what's good about big churches, what's good about small churches, etc. are all different. Therefore, I would like all church refugees to first connect with Christians they can trust, whether it be online or at a meeting without a pastor.

The world situation is changing dramatically, and disasters and persecution will occur. To this end, we are asking all Christians and church members to think flexibly about ``what is the church in terms of the Bible?'', search for various things, make contacts, and connect beyond denominations. I would like it. I believe that this is the body of the church.


I’m sure it will open up new perspectives for you about the church!


God bless you !



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