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We have started various seminars!


It suddenly got cold, but got worm again, are you OK? This is Watchman Chie.

Since the Lord led us to renew our ministry from "Watchman Site" to "Watchman Japan Ministries" in October, new activities have started as follows. Hallelujah!


・“Bible Study (in English)" is a study of Revelation.

・In the "Doctrinal study session (Japanese)“, we have a serious discussion about sin, baptism with water and the Holy Spirit, and heresy.

In "Care and Support," spiritual healing, reconciliation, and manifestation of spiritual gifts are manifested.

In "Evangelizing work," a new cooperative relationship was started.


The start of various” seminars.”

The "12 Non-Biblical Ideas of the Catholic Church" seminar was held on Wednesday, November 8 at inori Kai! Core member Sister Crosspiece.F gave a message based on Rev. Chris Momose's book, followed by a lively time of discussion! It is important to have this discussion.


We will also be starting the "Nihonkyo(Japanese religion) seminar” as follows. Please join us!

Bible and Japan Forum Kanto Branch Regular Meeting

Date: Saturday, December 16, 2023, 14:00-16:00

Speaker/Topic: Hiroshi Nakata, "The Davidic Covenant and the Emperors: Will the Japanese be Protected in the End Times?"

              Chie Kumagai, "What is 'Nihon-kyo' that hinders Japan's mission? -From "A Study of Air" by Shichihei Yamamoto

Venue: Ochanomizu Christian Center (TPC Room 404)

Cost: Free of charge (there will be an offering at the venue.) Capacity: 25 people

Application: It suddenly got cold, but the full moon last night was beautiful,wasn’t it? This is Watchman Chie.

Since the Lord led us to renew our ministry from "Watchman Site" to "Watchman Japan Ministries" in October, new activities have started as follows. Hallelujah!


・“Bible Study (in English)" is a study of Revelation.

・In the "Doctrinal study session (Japanese)“, we have a serious discussion about sin, baptism with water and the Holy Spirit, and heresy.

In "Care and Support," spiritual healing, reconciliation, and manifestation of spiritual gifts are manifested.

In "Evangelizing work," a new cooperative relationship was started.


The start of various” seminars.”

The "12 Non-Biblical Ideas of the Catholic Church" seminar was held on Wednesday, November 8 at inori Kai! Core member Sister Crosspiece.F gave a message based on Rev. Chris Momose's book, followed by a lively time of discussion! It is important to have this discussion.


We will also be starting the "Nihonkyo(Japanese religion) seminar” as follows. Please join us!

Bible and Japan Forum Kanto Branch Regular Meeting

Date: Saturday, December 16, 2023, 14:00-16:00

Speaker/Topic: Hiroshi Nakata, "The Davidic Covenant and the Emperors: Will the Japanese be Protected in the End Times?"

              Chie Kumagai, "What is 'Nihon-kyo' that hinders Japan's mission? -From "A Study of Air" by Shichihei Yamamoto

Venue: Ochanomizu Christian Center (TPC Room 404)

Cost: Free of charge (there will be an offering at the venue.) Capacity: 25 people

In addition, we are planning to start a "persecution seminar" soon.

Let's prepare for the end now.


Be careful and watch, for you do not know what hour it is.” Mark 13:33


Thank you for your cooperation.


God bless you !


In addition, we are planning to start a "persecution seminar" soon.

Let's prepare for the end now.


Be careful and watch, for you do not know what hour it is.” Mark 13:33


Thank you for your cooperation.


God bless you !急に寒くなったり温かくなったりの天気ですが、お元気ですか?ウォッチマン知恵です。

主の導きにより10月に「見張り人サイト」から「ウォッチマン ジャパン ミニストリー」 にリニューアルしてから、以下の通り新たな働きが始まっています。ハレルヤ!











聖書と日本フォーラム 関東支部例会


講師・主題:中田宏「ダビデ契約と天皇家 日本人は終りの時代に守られるか?」












God bless you !



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