August 15th is the anniversary of the end of the war.
The event that happened during the war that I would like to tell you about today is the "Mino Mission Incident."
Do you know? During the war, under the Emperor System, worship at shrines was forced. The Mino Mission in Ogaki City, which refused to do so as idolatry, was persecuted, and the persecution spread throughout Japan. Who do you think persecuted them at that time? Of course, it was the government, the police, and the general public. But the church also sided with the government and persecuted the Mino Mission together! What did God think of the believers who remained silent at this time?
This is a video of Mr. Reiji Oyama, who passed away last year. He repents of the church's idolatry during the war as his own sin.
"Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God." Luke 12:8-9
Please think about this seriously. This will be preparation for the end of the world. Watchman Japan is a ministry that will help you with that. Prepare for new persecution! - 聖書の知恵 (
Recent news of interest
*What day is August 12th? It is the day that JAL Flight 123 crashed about 40 years ago. Now, Takuro Morinaga is testifying about the deeper meaning of this incident at the risk of his life. The darkness of the world is coming into view. Please think about it. 話題作の『書いてはいけない』を本人が徹底解説 (
*Wars are escalating in both Ukraine and the Middle East, and there are quite a few national leaders who believe that World War III will begin this year. やり返し攻撃 その② (
*The replicon vaccine to be implemented (?) in October is a hot topic. I want you to think about the darkness of not only the vaccine but the entire medical system. 国産ワクチン 10月にも治験 少量接種で済む「レプリコン」(2021年8月25日) ( Deluded medical system - 聖書の知恵 (
*Mr. Torben is being persecuted in the United States. The deeper story was
revealed on August 2nd. Please follow this. Torben Sondergaard: Why Was He Arrested? Eye-opening and shocking documentary (