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Prepare for new persecution!

The purpose of this blog is to help you prepare for Biblical end-time survival.

The year 2024 will be the world of Matthew 24, the apocalypse, with the Noto Peninsula earthquake on January 1st, the rising prices of goods, escalating wars, efforts to unify the world such as pandemic treaties, etc. It's coming.

Today, I would like to think about one of the things Jesus warned about the end times: "persecution."

persecution? . . . "Please don't stir up anxiety!"

That's what Jesus is saying, not me. Please don't look away. Have you ever heard that if you accept the diagnosis of cancer or other conditions head-on, you actually feel relieved? Similar to this, when we face the end of the Bible head on, we become filled with peace and hope.

Let's listen to God's words.


1. Persecution is here in Japan too.


The Bible contains many things about "persecution" at the end of the day. Jesus is

Then you will suffer and be killed. And you will be hated by all peoples because of my name. At that time, many people will stumble, betray each other, and hate each other. Matthew 24:9-10

That's what he says. What is important here is that in the past, persecution was limited to only a few countries, such as communist countries and Islamic countries, but in the end it will become a worldwide persecution, as the saying goes, ``all people will hate you.'' It is to become. Even here in Japan.

And because of this, it says, "many stumbled," which is translated in other languages as "many apostatized." It means that a great apostasy will occur.

Then, the mainstream evangelicals insist on OSAS (Once Saved Always Saved), which states, ``Once you are saved, no matter what happens,'' and cite the following scriptures.

I am sure. death, and life, and angels, and rulers, and things present, and things to come, and powers, and things on high, and things in lowly, and all other creatures, Nothing can separate us from the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39

indeed. But "apostasy" is not included in this. Therefore, Satan the devil is trying to somehow deceive believers into apostasy.


2. Persecution will pass even in pre-tribulation rapture

Then someone says: "But believers will be raptured before the tribulation, so it's okay."

However, no theologian can guarantee 100% of the pre-tribulation raputure. Would you feel safe if it was 90%? I can't!

Also, regarding the question of "when will global persecution occur?", it is quite likely that it will occur before the tribulation period. It is as follows.

People rise against people, and country against country. Then there will be great earthquakes, famine and pestilence in many places, and terrible phenomena and remarkable signs will appear in heaven. But before all these things happen, people will lay hands on you and persecute you, handing you over to synagogues and prisons, and bringing you before kings and governors for my name's sake. Luke 21:11-12

In other words, it is saying that persecution will occur before the tribulation period. The Bible says.

Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Matthew 7:13

Please don't widen the gate!


3. If you endure until the end, you will be saved.

 And here are the words you should never forget.

And ye shall be hated by all men for my name's sake. But those who endure to the end will be saved. Mark 13:13 If you endure this kind of persecution to the end without apostatizing, you will be saved.On the other hand, if you don't endure to the will perish. Those who apostate cannot be saved.It may be hard to say, but please know that salvation is not that sweet.Therefore, preparation is important.

So be prepared, too. For the Son of Man will come at an unexpected time.Matthew 24:44 4. Know the facts of persecution

So, what should we do to prepare for persecution?First, let's start by learning about history and the reality of persecution occurring in the world.

-There have been almost no times in history when persecution against Christians stopped. Persecution in neighboring countries is well known. However, in the Japanese atmosphere, you can't help but feel like it's someone else's problem.Please visit the following sites to get a feel for the current state of persecution. If you read it, I think your mindset will change. Please pray and take action.


・Also, Japan has a history of Christian martyrdom. Please feel free to visit this site or the museum.


・In the history of martyrdom, we must not forget the worship of the Emperor during World War II and the Holocaust. This is persecution against Christians who reject it. Please take a look here.

And let's get together and look at this, research it, and discuss it. You should be able to experience various discoveries and changes in consciousness.

 5. prepare for new persecution

Let us consider the new persecutions that are about to come, along with examples from history and in the present world. To that end, I will first give an example of a new type of persecution that has been occurring recently.

・The persecution of Christians by Christians due to LGBT issues is progressing. In particular, there are many cases where people are persecuted for saying that ``LGBT is a sin according to the Bible'' as discrimination. See below.

・There will also be an increase in cases of persecution of Christians by Christians for various reasons. Warnings from persecuted missionaries in Denmark and the United States (Japanese subtitles)


-And what we must not forget is the persecution by the Antichrist. We need to devise countermeasures against the Great Babylon unified government, ecumenical unified religion, digital surveillance society, etc. in the apocalypse. Let's talk first.


6. Persecution by Japanese religion(Nihonkyo)


I would like to add the persecution by Nihonkyo(Japanese religion) as a new type of persecution.

Persecution of Japanese religion? ? ?

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." The term ``Japanese religion'' was coined by the writer Shichihei Yamamoto, also known as Isaiah Bendasan. 日本教 - Wikipedia

It is said to be a ``national religion that is unconsciously installed in the Japanese people.''

After all, Japanese people have an unconscious belief that they always "Read(follow) the Air(Atmosphere) of the place." This is Nihonkyo.And the Air is Evil spirit (eph2:2). The reading Air takes precedence over laws, rules, common sense, scientific basis, evidence, and even the words of the Bible!

Therefore, if you continue to follow the Bible, you will be rebelling against the peer pressure of the atmosphere, and you will be punished as KY (KukiYomenai-a bad person who cannot read the atmosphere) by being ostracized, ignored, bashed, and bullied. This is often a less visible attack, one that takes time to give up and compromise. that's why,,,

・Mask issue, Johnny's issue, slush fund issue, bullying, harassment, etc.

・Japan's Christian population has always been less than 1%.

・Japan is called a “missionary graveyard”

・When Japanese people who believe in Christ overseas return to Japan, they are likely to stumble,



I think this is persecution by nihonkyo. Unfortunately, I think many Christians, myself included, are reading Air. It is highly likely that the power of this Air will become even stronger in the future. Like during wartime.

Please train yourself to follow the Bible without reading the Air!


7. Specific preparations House church (home church, cell church)


Finally, as a concrete preparation, we recommend that you renew your church into a so-called "underground church." The simplest way is to create a house church (home church, cell church).

The reason why it is called a "house church" is that the location, number of people teaching, content, and schedule are flexible, making it difficult for those around you and the government to see the actual situation. It is truly an underground church that operates in secret. As we have learned from the experience of the coronavirus pandemic, the traditional large buildings, large numbers of people, fixed schedules, and organizational structures tend to collapse.

Originally, the early church started in Jerusalem and was a large church, as it is said that 3,000 people were saved at once. At that time, it seems that the sacrament and communion were held in each "house". This was the beginning of the house church.

And because they went to the temple with one heart every day, gathered in their houses to break bread, and ate together with joy and sincerity, praising God, they were favored by all the people. Acts 2:46

Eventually, when persecution began, they were dispersed to Europe and other places, and evangelism progressed in various places. The basis of my life at this time was a life of faith in a "house church."

On that day, there was great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and all but the apostles were scattered into the regions of Judea and Samaria. ~Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word. (Acts 8:2-4)

 that's right. The house church is a way of responding to persecution.

Recently, house churches have been attracting attention in a different way. This is because many churches are becoming cults and spreading false teachings, leading them to leave the church. I also left my mother church and am currently in a "house church." Therefore, if you are worried about leaving your church, please consider a "house church." It might be a good chance.

This is a major premise for each person to become independent in the Lord, and although it is by no means easy, it is truly a church that is a body with the Lord Jesus as its head, and a church that makes use of each individual's gifts (functions).

I will not go into details about how to operate this time, but please don't think too much about it and just think of it as an exchange between your spiritual family (the body of the church). It's a family interaction. The important condition is that we gather around Jesus.

For wherever two or three gather together in my name (Jesus Christ), there I am there among them. Matthew 18:20


There are many things to do, but if you prepare a little bit, you will get good results. Please do whatever you can to


Get ready for the new persecution that is coming!​


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