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Making Persecution Your Own Issue

The escalation of the war is amazing. This is Kumagai from Watchman Japan.


Somedays ago I attended a mission report session by the Ukrainian missionaries, Mr. and Mrs. Funakoshi, at Tachikawa Evangelical Free Church, and heard them talk about the current situation in Ukraine.

I was prepared for it, but there were some pretty cruel parts, and I was able to feel a little bit of the misery there, so I'm grateful to the couple. My biggest impression, including mine, is that "Japanese people are so naive (peace-dazed)!" According to missionary Funakoshi, the Ukrainian people were the same. The following scripture came to mind.


Before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark. And they did not realize anything until the flood came and swept them away. This is how the coming of the Son of Man will be. Matthew 24:38-39


As I said in my last email, the speed at which the end of the world is progressing is accelerating. Things that are unthinkable by common sense are happening one after another. As natural disasters, economic crises, food crises, the Israeli problem, and the stage for the appearance of the Antichrist come into view, this time we will focus on "persecution."

Have you ever thought of persecution as something that concerns you? This is difficult when you live in Japan. However, persecution of Christians has been a fact for 2000 years and is an ongoing reality. Please see here.


・In addition, persecution of Christians has continued in Japan for about 500 years, and its effects seem to remain to this day.


・Pastor Takahashi of Tachikawa Gospel Free Church introduced a hymn using the poems of Bonhoeffer, a Christian who was persecuted and martyred by the Nazis. Although it is in German, it praises trusting in the Lord in the midst of persecution. Siegfried Fietz - 'Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen' Mix 1977-2015 - Alle Strophen - YouTube 

Also, during World War II, due to the atmosphere at the time, churches began to worship the Japanese Emperor, and Christians who refused to do so were persecuted. 

Mino Mission

・Furthermore, persecution in Christian countries is getting worse all over the world. アメリカでクリスチャン迫害? タッカー・カールソンのインタビュー (



・From now on, the world of Revelation and persecution by the Antichrist will become a reality. Will there be persecution in Japan? What is the mark of the beast? Is it okay to step on the fumie? We at Watchmen will be holding an event to think about persecution.

Let's learn about the current situation regarding persecution, think about it, discuss it, pray, and prepare!


Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. John 15:20

God bless you!


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