Hello! Everyone !
This may be sudden, but do you know what a "solar flare" is?
This is an electromagnetic wave emitted from the sun, and this year, 2024, the largest flare ever occurred. In my case, it affected my chronic condition "fibromyalgia", and I was suddenly hit with strong pain. Normally, it causes communication failures and power outages. Smartphone malfunctions and power outages have already occurred, and it seems that it will get stronger towards the summer of 2025. 太陽フレアによる被害と対策!大停電でインフラ壊滅…は生じるのか?[そなえるTV・高荷智也] (youtube.com)
This time, I would like to focus on things that are changing greatly now.
1. Earthquakes
There have been a lot of earthquakes since the beginning of this year. According to statistics, this is also increasing, and the Nankai Trough earthquake and Mount Fuji eruption are becoming a reality. 南海トラフ地震対策啓発ドラマ「その日、その時・・・」 - YouTube
2. Electricity Rate Increase
Due to the end of government subsidies from next June, electricity companies will raise prices (10% to 46%), and we are surprised by the rising prices every day when we go shopping. 「心が折れそうになる」電気・ガス補助金終了で飲食店から悲鳴 標準的な家庭でも年2.2万円負担増との試算も【Nスタ解説】|TBS NEWS DIG (youtube.com)
3. Weak Yen and Economy
The current weak yen seems to be caused by the roots of the Japanese economy. Our country, which relies on imports from overseas, is becoming increasingly weak. 【止まらない円安・貧困化の恐怖①】1ドル=158円台…円安は日本国民にどんな影響をもたらすのか? - YouTube
4. Food Crisis
In Japan, too, due to war, farmers’ problems, and economic circumstances, the day is approaching when not only prices will rise, but food and daily necessities will also become scarce. [NHKスペシャル] 食料自給率38パーセントの日本 今コメ作りの現場に大きな異変が | シリーズ 食の“防衛線” 第一回 主食コメ・忍び寄る危機 | NHK (youtube.com)
5. War
Japan doesn't seem to receive much information about war, but it seems that a third wave of war is becoming a reality, and we need to keep an eye on Taiwan. 海外から見た、日本と台湾有事 (youtube.com)
6. WHO Pandemic Treaty
The world has changed dramatically through this coronavirus, and one of the movements to unify world power is the Pandemic Treaty. It seems to have stalled this time, but we need to keep an eye on it from now on. 【生配信】公衆衛生を利用したWHO全体主義運動 パンデミック合意とIHRを分かり易く解説! - YouTube
7. Persecution
Persecution is not someone else's problem. Currently, persecution is progressing not only in communist and Islamic countries, but also in Europe and the United States.
So how should we prepare? The best preparation is to literally rely on God. Are you obtaining your daily needs through God's work? Let's practice living the following scriptures literally.
Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' 'What shall we drink?' 'What shall we wear?' For these are the things the Gentiles seek after. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:31-33
However, practical preparations such as stockpiles, savings, farming, living without electricity, and relocating to safe areas will definitely be useful in the event of a disaster. Rather than relying on these things, they will be necessary to establish a system of calm and trust in God.
So, let's prepare for the end of the world together!
Watchman Japan is a ministry that will help you with that.