Please support us with your prayers and understanding!
There are few examples of Watchman's activities, and it is difficult to gain understanding.
First of all, I would appreciate it if you could support us by praying and understanding.
Our activities
1. core meeting
Core members hold weekly online meetings. As we discuss and share information about the operations of Watchman Japan Ministries, we advance God's plan by "praying, listening, and following" Jesus, the true leader of our work.
2. Watchman Mail (mail magazine)
Once a month, we send out a Watchman email to the leaders of churches and organizations that we have supported in the past, informing them of warning alerts regarding the end of the world.
If you would like to receive Watchman Mail, please enter the subject line "Watchman Mail Request" and 1. Name, 2. Your email address to watchman@ymail.ne.jp. (English is followed Japanese)
3. doctrinal study session
Once a week, we meet online and discuss topics that are difficult to discuss in regular churches: ``What is real salvation? When is the rapture? What is the 666 mark of the beast? What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Are Japanese and Yuan ancestors the same? , etc.”
It is also a place to pray, encourage, and help each other.
4. Seminar held
We are planning and conducting online seminars on apocalyptic themes from time to time with the cooperation of various people.
for example
① Persecution Survival Seminar “Persecution in Japan”
②Nihonkyo seminar “Do not read the Air(atmosphere)”
③Catholicism Seminar “Is Catholicism a heresy?”
④Ecumenical threat “world movements”
⑤NAR New Apostolic Reformation Seminar “NAR sneaking into Japan”
⑥Church turning into a cult “How to leave and support”
⑦Indwelling of the Holy Spirit/Gifts of the Holy Spirit “Which is more important?”
⑧LGBTQ Seminar “Once again, is this a sin?”
⑨Vaccine Medical Seminar “The Great Babylon of the End”
⑩Israel Seminar “History, Current Situation, and End Times”
5. Care and support
In our activities, we meet people like church refugees who have been hurt by the church's false teachings and cult status, and who don't know what to do after leaving the church. We provide support through care advisors.
For more information, please visit this site.
牧会相談 ~解放への扉~ | クリスチャンの為の牧会相談・霊的助言 (kaihouhenotobira.com)
6. Preaching Gospel
We would like to assist in evangelism activities by encouraging Christians, mainly leaders of churches and organizations. We also carry out roadside evangelism by collaborating with other evangelistic groups.
7. intercessory prayer
All work is God's work. Based on the intercessory prayer in Daniel chapter 9, we will offer intercessory prayers so that many Christians will wake up and listen to God in the end times.

Prayer of Daniel 9
Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name. (Daniel 9:18-19)
Site administrator Watchman Chie
Email ; watchman@ymail.ne.jp