What to warn about?
False teachings and various dangers in End time
Teachings that deny the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
I would like to ask all you Christians. Does the Holy Spirit dwell within you? The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the passport to heaven (Ephesians 1:14). If you don't have this, you'll go to hell.
However, since the Reformation, although it was good to place importance on the Bible, there has been an overemphasis on knowledge and a lack of communication with the Holy Spirit and teachings.
So, do you currently have the Holy Spirit indwelling you? It seems that there are many believers who are not sure. The story of the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25 is not considered a problem. That's scary. Isn't the responsibility of a leader heavy?
What happened after the Reformation?
教会で内住の聖霊が否定されてきた歴史 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
This is what I want to convey to all the leaders.
Have you taken measures for "five stupid virgins"? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
Now, Christians, let's think about it!
自分はホンモノのクリスチャンか? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
Let's tackle the indwelling of the Holy Spirit head-on!
聖霊内住を確認しましょう! - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
Dangerous teachings.....Fake love
・OSAS (once saved always saved)?
So, once you receive the Holy Spirit, is it safe? Actually, "Once Saved, Always Saved" is not Biblical. So in the near future I'm worried that many people will lose their salvation due to lack of preparation.
Once Saved Always Saved - IHOPKC May 2011 - David Pawson - YouTube
・Calvin's predestination theory
Although Calvin was the hero of the religious reformation, it seems that there were various problems with his faith. We believe that the famous doctrine of predestination is a dangerous doctrine.
Calvinism, this may be the mainstream teaching of Protestantism today. However, the Bible says that the gate to heaven is narrow and the remnants (real Christians) are a minority.
Are those who will be saved and those who will not be determined from the beginning?
The predestination is wrong! - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
・Fake love?
The love of Christ that is talked in many churches is a fake.
modern false teachings
・ecumenical movement
Currently, there is a growing movement to unify Catholicism with Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, and other religions such as Buddhism and Islam.
教会への警告!!エキュメニカル運動*世界統一宗教 by Torben Søndergaard, The Last Reformation (youtube.com)
・LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer)
I believe that LGBTQ issues are a symbol of the end of the world. Persecution is happening with this.
LGBTは罪? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
LGBTQ と 信仰 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
・NAR New Apostolic Reformation
Have you heard of NAR New Apostolic Reformation, Prosperity Theology, Word of Faith, Bill Johnson, Benny Hinn, etc.? Please be careful! These movements are dangerous!
注意!ベテル教会、NAR、繁栄の神学。。。 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
・new age
New Age spirits are sneaking into us as normal church activities and beliefs, rather than the recent topics of mindfulness, healing, and occultism. The NAR New Apostolic Movement is one of them.
スピリチュアル/ニューエイジが悪魔崇拝である証拠 by Steven Bancarz (youtube.com)
Careless of the End time and persecution
・Careless of the end time
We make various preparations for earthquakes and the economy, but for some reason, few churches teach us to prepare for the tribulations mentioned in the Bible. There's no need to worry if you're prepared...on the contrary,
If you are prepared, you will not be disappointed!
終末のため、今、何を準備する? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
終りの大背教は教会の中で進んでいる? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
・Careless to persecution
Another thing we must not forget in preparing for the end is preparing for persecution. What?, in Japan? You might think that.
Yes, it is. Persecution is now happening not only in communist countries and Muslim countries, but also in Christian countries. In Finland, a member of parliament was indicted twice for simply tweeting a scripture about marriage; in the United States, a Danish missionary seeking asylum was imprisoned for over a year for no reason; in Canada, a public a 16-year-old boy who handed out Bibles at the scene was detained by the police..., it'll be my story tomorrow. It will be difficult if you don't prepare yourself now!
迫害への準備( Nelson walters動画紹介) - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
Preparing for Suffering (youtube.com)
How Torben Sondergaard got framed by a Danish National TV Program (youtube.com)
The dangers of transhumanism
Do you know the term "transhuman"?
This is an important thing that connects to the mark of the beast, 666, and connects humans and AI to create a new human body, a new society, and a new world. . . It seems that this plan is actually being advanced by the One World Government (New World Order).
Must watch closely!
トランスヒューマニズムの危険 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
Deluded medical system - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
An activity group that transforms Japanese people into transhumans
トランスヒューマニズムとは - 日本トランスヒューマニスト協会 (transhumanist.jp)
Danger of Bible Cult
A Bible cult is not a heresy, but a seemingly normal church that upholds the Bible and the Apostles' Creed. However, in reality, it is a dangerous church where pastors and organizations abuse their power.
According to cult expert Hisoka Murakami, many churches have been transforming into so-called Bible cults since around 2000. What about your church? You need to think about it!
If you need to, escape from your church or it's dangerous!
教会のカルト化(バイブル・カルト) - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
カルト化した教会(バイブル・カルト)からの脱出 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
If you have left your church and cannot decide on a new church, please try a church called House Church.
Nihonkyo(Japanese religion) threat
Nihonkyo(Japanese religion) and culture
The population ratio of Christians in Japan is 1%, the lowest in the world. I wonder why? Author Shichihei Yamamoto says,"This is because Japanese people unconsciously believe in a religion that has no founder, scripture, or form, and he called it "Nihonkyo.''
"Nihonkyo (Japanese religion)'' is an invisible religion that has the power to fundamentally change foreign culture, politics, religion, technology, food, and human thought through reading the atmosphere, peer pressure, Tatemae (vertical bias), and Assuming others mind.
Unless we tackle this invisible enemy head-on, Japan's missionary work will not progress any further. So I think we have to warn them.
What is "Nihon kyo" that prevents missionary work in Japan? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
Nihonkyo and Air - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
ニッポン人が気付かずにしてる隠れた偶像礼拝 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
ニッポン人から、天国人へ - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
Confusion of Languages - The Danger of Babylon
Since Babylon, we have been cursed with confusion due to words.So is the Christian world. Because each denomination had different expressions, definitions, and terminology, there was no end to controversy, and now there is an atmosphere of no debate at all.
For example, regarding the "Holy Spirit"...receiving the Holy Spirit, baptism of the Holy Spirit, baptism of the Spirit, filling of the Holy Spirit, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Holy Spirit, work of the Holy Spirit, seal of the Holy Spirit, fruit of the Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of Jesus, etc. This makes it difficult for us to understand each other.
赦す と 許す - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
「聖霊の内住」と「聖霊の満たし」 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
On the other hand, currently, systems such as the one-world government NWO are taking advantage of confusion and are creating systems to control the world by making full use of IT and systems to overcome language barriers, and the Antichrist It seems that the new Tower of Babel, the stage for its appearance, is being prepared.
Let's keep our eyes peeled and watch!
Catholicism is heresy
I have always been a member of a church closely related to the Catholic Church. So I felt close to Catholicism,. although I had known that Christianity had many problems with its teachings.
But Catholic teachings are fundamentally wrong! This cannot be called Christianity.
for example,
・Mary worship called Mary veneration
・The infallibility of the Pope (no mistakes)
・The bread and wine of the mass are real flesh and blood.
-The second of the Ten Commandments, ``Thou shalt not make idols,'' has been deleted and idolatry is openly practiced.
And in the fourth , "The Sabbath day must be kept holy," the Sabbath day is changed to "the Lord's day."
That's scary.