What is a watchman?

A "watchman" is a person who stands high on a castle wall, looks around, and when he spots an enemy, blows a horn to warn his companions, "The enemy is approaching!" Our activities are based on the book of Ezekiel (33:7).
・what are you going to do...We watch over the world and the church, and if we see an enemy or something dangerous, we send out a warning.
Son of man,
I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel. If you have heard a word from my mouth, you shall give them my warning.Ezekiel 33:7
・To whom?...MainlyThis is a warning to Christians, especially leaders.
Son of man, say to your people, Eze 33:12
Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, and speak to them who are shepherds.Ezek 34:2
・What kind of warning?...This is a warning about the various deceptions that Jesus spoke about, the narrowness of the gates of heaven, and the lack of preparation for the end of time.
Be careful not to be misled by others(Matthew 24:4)
The gate that leads to life is narrow, and few find it(Matthew 7:14)
The Son of Man will come when you least expect it, so be ready.
(Matthew 24:44)
・Tribulation is the pain of childbirth
The suffering of tribulation is not judgment. These are the pains of birth that help us become even more sanctified and welcome the ultimate moment of encountering Jesus, the Millennium, and the New Heaven and New Earth. Remember that beyond the tribulation lies the joy of glory.
These are all the beginnings of birth pains.(Matthew 24:8)
But brethren, you are not in darkness. So that day will not come against you like a thief.(1 Thessalonians 5:4)

So thou, O son of man, I have set thee awatchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.
Ezekiel 33:7
Watchman Features
How does it work?

Prophetic work
A prophetic work of receiving a warning from God, "XX is dangerous."
If you have heard a word from my mouth, you shall give them my warning..
Ezekiel 33:7

Intercessory Prayer
Just as Daniel interceded for his fellow Israel, he will intercede for Christians in Japan.
My God, incline your ear and hear. Please open your eyes.Look at our desolation and the city where your name is called.
Daniel 9:18

Overview of the whole
Stand in a high place, have a panoramic perspective, and catch the overall movement of the world and the church.
The Lord still dwells in His holy temple and rules over everything from heaven. He is monitoring everything that happens on earth.
Poem 11:4

Warrior identifying the enemy
“Watchman” is the role of a warrior. Distinguish (identify) the enemy, discover false teachings and other deceptions, and sound the alarm for battle.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and authorities, against the rulers of the world of darkness, and against the spirits of evil in the heavens.Ephesians:6:12

Warn leader
I would like to warn Christians, especially leaders, as written in Ezekiel 34. Leaders have influence and responsibility.
Prophesy against the shepherds of Israel and speak to them who are shepherds.Ezekiel 34:2

End of life support
Special support is needed during these difficult times. We will support the survival of faith amidst deception, persecution, disasters, and the threat of the Antichrist.
When Jesus got out of the boat and saw the large crowd, he felt compassion for them, as they were like sheep without a shepherd, and began to teach them various things. Mark 6:34